Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23rd rehearsal

Briefly before rehearsal tonight, Alison handed me a book titled “Shakespeare In Performance”, and as I was thumbing through the pages that included TWELFTH NIGHT, I couldn’t help but notice the complete differences among every production that was pictured. Much like these pictures, our production will take on a completely different life. I think the actors in our show have a completely fresh and fun energy. The high energy that mimics the sitcom aspects I keep referring to. I think it will be reassuring to audience members who are skeptical of Shakespeare to get a glimpse of this energetic play! Some pictures from tonight's rehearsal for thee...

Rehearsal tonight started with a run through of Act 1. Congrats to the cast for getting through act one after only 3 rehearsals! The payoff of already having the frame for blocking and being off book at this point will be tremendous. Alison was pleased with each cast member’s work! Along with all of our blocking, the set is also piecing together! We started the week with taped off areas, and now there are raised platforms, and a hollowed box that Sir Andrew has used to enter his first scene through. The band is sitting upstage center, and they will be composing and underscore specific scenes in the play there. After running through act 1, blocking for the second act of the show began.
By Friday, our cast will have their first run-through of what is complete, and this will be videotaped. Looking forward to more adventure tomorrow night!